Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Tea Party Hangover - What Happened?

So now it's sunk in... 

The astroturf "Tea Party" movement has taken the House of Representatives and luckily the Senate majority remains intact for the Democrats.  And we're back where we started from 1994.  So what will happen next?

Why don't we start with what happened first?  So yes, the Republicans took control over the House of Representatives and will continue to do Wall Street's bidding and a lot more Republicans will go unpunished, including Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Sam Alito, both of whom lied to congress during their confirmation process and were determined to allow corporate money to be used to fund election campaigns, paving the way to this.  And we could also go into how people appointed by GWB were parachuted into positions within government agencies, with intent on sabotaging the Obama presidency.  Nobody discussed that.  Then we could even go into how news has been replaced with spin and facts have been replaced with opinion.  And we could go into how television stations played 25 minute commercials on election day to compel people to vote against their own interests, which will never be fulfilled by the GOP, let alone a con man.

One thing is for sure.  The natives are restless.  They are angry and they don't know who to direct their anger to.  They conveniently forgot that two years ago, the bottom fell out of the economy, banks fell and people lost their retirement savings.  They forgot who made this all possible.  They even forgot how this started and now we know that it may never end if the Republicans have their way with all three branches.  And when one channel continuously broadcasts propoganda favouring one partisan ideology over another and reports the news with that same partisan slant, ensuring that any news that could reveal flaws in that ideology of choice is supressed, what is the populace to do?  When you are told what and how to think, what are you to do?

Yes, Obama didn't make many friends, but unlike his predecessor, he tried to get both parties on board.  His opposition didn't do anything constructive, but block anything that came from the Democrats.  They became the party of No.  They didn't share their ideas on how healthcare could be reformed there.  They brought out snazzy labels like "Socialized Medicine" and even characterized the president to be a Nazi.  They began spreading lies about "death panels" and anything else to ensure that the Democrats lose the midterms. 

The Democrats were once criticized for being a party of No without providing alternatives on how they would do things.  The Republicans got a free pass from the media this time around.  And this is what bothers a lot of us the most here.  Democrats are now continuously scrutinized and even shunned, while Republicans keep coming back.  It was the Republicans who ran their country into the ground and the Democrats who had to clean up their mess.  And so the Republicans have been granted another opportunity to destroy the country even more.

I suppose the question is how much longer will it be before the American people wake up, especially when it is taxpayers money going into the banks' coffers, rather than the taxpayers.  Our neighbour to the south is inching closer to a fascist plutocracy, under the guise of a populist movement, orchestrated by the wealthy and affluent and the corporate money flowing into the Republican coffers is the confirmation.  Unless something is done, we could be seeing the beginning of the end of the American Empire.

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