Tuesday, August 31, 2010

At Last, There is Hope!

The city has finally come to their senses and decided to start pursuing other sites.  In a 13-2 vote, the city has moved forward in looking at the possibility of the McMaster Innovation Park as a possible location for the new stadium.  It is the best news we've heard in months. 

Should they continue development and remediation at the West Harbour site?  Of course they should and perhaps the Ti-Cats can provide a little help in that way, although I kind of like the idea of putting in a 5000 seat soccer stadium in place of the ones lost in Burlington.  It could fit in alongside the velodrome.  And it could be the solution that everyone goes home happy with. 

But no so fast there Jack!  We have another problem.  It's the issue with "prime employment" lands at MIP.  Some believe that putting a stadium over there will ruin that area.  I'm not so sure because, with the right structure, it could really be something special.  Then comes the revelation from Bob Bratina that the MIP site is currently underused and in some cases, it's not being used as it was meant to be.  In fact businesses have moved from their downtown offices over to the MIP.  If the stadium will have a retractible roof, it could even be used all year round, especially for trade shows and other great events.  The potential is there.  We just have to use it.

There is hope, allbeit a faint one, but there is hope.

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