Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hey Toronto! Get a F*ckin' Clue!

There is a reason why ESPN has rated Toronto the worst sports city in North America!  But that doesn't stop columnists from bloviating about how hard done by all the Tronnies are.

Let me explain why:

Toronto is a city that believe that they are something more than they really are.  It's almost like Los Angeles in the United States.  They are so full of themselves that they think they are God's gift to the world, a very arrogant attitude.  Toronto needs to understand a few things.

Toronto is not a sports town.  It's a Maple Leaf town.  Yes, they love their hockey, but the love the Leafs more.  They love them so much that they keep coming back for more and more disappointment.  It's a fetish worse than the Boston Red Sox.  But then, Boston has the Bruins, the Celtics and the New England Patriots, all of which they have no problems, attendance-wise.

But look beyond the Leafs, and you get a different story.  Apart from Toronto FC, who are playing on a smaller capacity field, neither the Blue Jays, the Raptors, and not even the Argonauts can even get asses in all their seats the way the Leafs can.  And don't even get me started about that failed project called "the Buffalo Bills in Toronto," which only showed that as long as the team is winning, Toronto will support them.  But even at that, a win doesn't necessarily guarantee support.

When it comes to anything other than the Leafs, Toronto fans are nothing more than a bunch of bandwagon jumpers who are there only in fairweather, but lose a few times and down goes the attendance.  And the most maddening aspect of the whole thing is that no matter how bad the Leafs get, there will always be a capacity crowd for every game.

And they surely have shown that they couldn't support an NFL franchise if there ever was one.  And while the NFL is still trying to find its way back into Los Angeles, there are still other cities in the U.S. that are clamouring for the opportunity, including Oklahoma, Memphis, Las Vegas, Portland (Oregon) and even Sacramento.

Toronto was rated the worst city for a reason.  They don't generally support their major sports franchises the way other cities in the same boat do.  Toronto, as much as they'd like to deny it, is not the center of the universe.  It is a black hole where sport franchises go looking for gold, but only find disappointment.

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