Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tim Hudak, C'mon Man!

I don't know how anybody can support this guy anymore.  Warren Kinsella, a guy who I would love to have in my corner should I go insane and decide to seek the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada, reported on some silly retorts from Tim Hudak.

How this man is able to walk upright is an achievement in itself since his foot ends up in his mouth so much.  Has he conquered gravity?  Can he walk on one foot?  And what the hell is he talking about???

When you threaten to call an election weeks after it was done or even imply that you may, you are at a new level of batshit crazy.  If I didn't know any better, it seems that he was so looking forward to being the premier, that he forgot to adjust himself for that shocking scenario that he could actually lose.  Either that or his handlers are the ones that applied for, but didn't get the job of being Stephen Harper's fart catcher.

Either way, Hudak is doing a great job, if his job was to implode his chances of future electability.  How people continue to support this guy is just as beyond me.  And don't be surprised if you find a few crossing the floor, because this man has as much control over his caucus as he has self-control - very little.  He can't even whip Randy Hillier into line.

Fortunate for Tim Hudak, the election took place earlier, because if the election was held today, he could have found himself in third party territory.

Look Tim, we know you're trying to hold on to your base and stay as leader of the PC Party of Ontario, but C'MON MAN!

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