Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Canada Flag Day + Politicians = Rumours!

Little did Fred Eisenberger notice, but the unofficial commentator of the mayoral race was actually right in front of him in the Canada Flag Day parade!  In my volunteer role as a side drummer in the Grimsby Pipe Band, of which my brother-in-law, Gordon Scott, is Pipe Major, my band was positioned in front of Fred Eisenberger's car and he got an earful of "no parking meters downtown," going through a stretch between New Mountain and Lake Ave. 

Nice to know their opposition, but it's not completely up to him.  He is only one of 16 votes deciding on whether or not there will be parking meters there.  The way I see it, if you don't want to pay any more property taxes, perhaps you shouldn't complain about them being placed.  After all, would you like to pay for your parking or someone else's?  But that's just my opinion... Discuss!

The civic elections are on people's minds throughout the summer parades since we know what goes with them - politicians and those who aspire!  My wife once told me that it seemed that all politicians do is parades.  Perhaps there's some logic behind that.  I can't name a single politician who never enjoyed basking in that "feelgood" glow.  There is a perception that it enhances their image.  The cynic inside me just wants to vomit sometimes when they do that.  I mean they could be more visible getting things done around the community and not just walking or riding in a lame parade.

So I did some talking before the parade with a local politician who happened to be a past acquaintence.  We talk now and then since I found myself getting more and more involved in civic politics.  I got some interesting insight in the politics of the city.  I got word that a certain faction of people are placing candidates to run in wards of their choice.  They chose one which they have concluded is one that can really heat up.  I was told to watch the Ward 11 race, because this is one that could get interesting.

In what way, you ask?  Ward 11 is the East Stoney Creek/Glanbrook area.  Now look at who the MPP is on the escarpment portion of this area.  A gold star for everyone who guessed Tim Hudak.  Another gold star if you knew that he is the current PC Party leader.  Don't be disappointed if you didn't know who he was.  He's not a bad guy.  It's just that his policies are Mike Harris-like and right now it looks like the inmates are running the asylum known as the Ontario PC party.  To make matters worse, he hasn't really been able to pin anything on Dalton McGuinty, because McGuinty is doing stuff he'd do anyway.  So he's really lost control on that end and a loss of a friend in Hamilton could be a game changer, but I doubt it.  He's got overwhelming support in Grimsby and the West Lincoln township.  Glanbrook equates to about half.  At best, it would make things uncomfortable.

But one thing is for sure.  A certain party wants to paint Hamilton orange federally, provincially and now municipally.  Does anybody want to try and convince me that there is no party politics at City Hall?

With more and more subplots emerging, this could end up being one of the most interesting civic elections in a long time.

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